Welcome to ECC-VECO

A quality provider of professional project and construction services in the energy, chemicals and resources sectors


Happy New Year 2022


COVID-19 vaccination level of our staff has reached 75%


ECC-VECO, the Worley company, presented backpacks to local orphanage.


Our company

Founded February 13, 2004, ECC-VECO is a quality construction contractor with a strong schedule performance. Our major production facilities are located in Sakhalin and Khabarovsk regions. ECC-VECO owns mobile offices and housing modules for personnel accommodations while performing work at construction sites.


Safety is the foundation of any successful organization. Not only does safety provide a better work environment for employees but also a sense of achievement to be part of a successful team; especially a team where nobody gets hurt.


Our reputation for safe, honest and ethical conduct is one of our most important assets. We are absolutely committed to complying with the law and conducting our business to the highest standards. We expect all our people and partners to uphold this commitment and safeguard our reputation every day.


We strive to provide the best value for procurement services to our clients while bolstering the local economy and community.


Currently we have over 300 qualified professionals, and we are always looking to add highly qualified and experienced talent to our team.

Contact us

+7 (4242) 46-36-35
+7 (4242) 46-36-14
8B Militseiskaya st., office 26, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 693020
Mon-Fri 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Lunchtime 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM